пятница, 23 февраля 2018 г.

hip flexor stretches: extended leg cat pose, cat pose variation with opposite hand grabbing ankle, bow pose, half bow pose, pigeon variation with same side hand grabbine ankle, camel pose table yoga pose combination with one knee and one foot on the floor, hips lifted, upward dog with toes tucked under, high lunge with hands supported on yoga blocks, upright splits with hands supported on yoga blocks. Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses.

hip flexor stretches: extended leg cat pose, cat pose variation with opposite hand grabbing ankle, bow pose, half bow pose, pigeon variation with same side hand grabbine ankle, camel pose table yoga pose combination with one knee and one foot on the floor, hips lifted, upward dog with toes tucked under, high lunge with hands supported on yoga blocks, upright splits with hands supported on yoga blocks. Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses.

Original article and pictures take https://sensational-yoga-poses.com site

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